It is often said that the person who is busy and has many responsibilities is able to carry out extra responsibility of work effectively than a person who is idle. Because he will organize the activities systematically while the other will always find excuses for not doing the work.

Does it seem like there is never enough time in the day! Feel like you are always running late? Then there is definitely some problem in your planning; no matter how many energy drinks you consume.  You should spare some time in reorganizing the time.

Everyone has 24 hours each day to fit everything in. But the one who understands the value of time and organizes the time effectively is more successful. Time doesn’t change. All we can actually manage is ourselves and what we do with the time that we have.

Time management is necessary for every individual. If children learn the value of time right from young age, they will be benefitted more. They have to create a list of priorities to decide what matters are urgent and which ones can wait.

Here are some tips to help you take control of your time and organizing your life; especially students who have loads of pressure of studies now a days. To be able to have control over your life – manage your time, do not let it manage you! If you are stress free, you will be healthier and happier. Work smarter and not harder!

Be focused. Be relaxed

If your mind is disturbed and agitated you would not be able to do anything properly. Be relaxed. Be focused. You can study in a better way.

Take a good sleep

It is better to sleep at least for seven hours. Some people think sacrificing sleep is a good way to increase productivity.  This is not the case. Most people need 7-8 hours of sleep for their bodies and minds to function optimally. Listen to your body, and don’t underestimate the value of sleep. If you are fresh you can study better. Learning is not effective when you are tired and time spent at learning in class or at home is wasted.

Have a Balanced Diet

Have a nutritious diet. Have healthy meals. Include fruits and vegetables in your diet. Drink sufficient water every day. Avoid fried and spicy food. Remember healthy mind rests in healthy body.

Exercise and eat healthily

Numerous studies have linked a healthy lifestyle with work productivity. Similar to getting enough sleep, exercising and eating healthily boost energy levels, clear your mind, and allow you to focus more easily.

Find out where you are wasting time

Try to analyse how much time you spend on various activities. It will be easy to find out where you are wasting time unnecessarily.

Set Time limits for Tasks

Get in the habit of setting time limits for tasks. For example, reading and answering What’s Up messages can consume your whole day if you let it. Instead, set a limit of one hour a day for this task and stick to it.

Be more organized and make a do list or timetable for each day

List the areas of work you have to do tomorrow and sort them in order of priority. Put things that are most important at the top and do them first. For each item plan how much time it will take to get the job done. Without setting a time for the job you may be wasting a lot of time. To-do lists by themselves are effective but can be more effective if you include time estimates. Use your appointment calendar for everything, including listing study time. Use ‘to do’ lists for both long-term and for each day/week.

Prioritize Your Tasks

Each day, identify the two or three tasks that are the most crucial to complete, and do those first. Once you are done, you can move on to other things.Use an A-B-C rating system for items on your ‘to do’ lists with A item being highest priority. Set goals for both the short term and long term as to what you want to accomplish.

Find the Right Time for the Task

You can study efficiently if you figure out when you do your best studies. For example, if your brain handles science better in the afternoon, do not wait to do it until late at night. If you find out that you are unable to concentrate on something at a particular time just come out of it. Do something less taxing or relax for some time.

Review your notes every day

This will reinforce what you have learnt, so you need less time to study. You will also be ready if your teacher gives a surprise test.

Do not waste time agonizing

Have you ever wasted an entire evening by worrying about something that you are supposed to be doing? If it is an assignment that you fear then the best thing to do is break it into two pieces. Do some planning now and get to the write up later. An important essay becomes much more manageable if you first take time to draw up an outline plan and come back to it at a later time. Break big items into smaller pieces of work. This will allow you to see progress and eventually get the big task done with much less stress.

Allow for changes

Sometimes tasks may be difficult and a number of things do not get done on time. The target is that you are taking control of where time is being spent rather than drifting aimlessly along hoping that things will be better on the day. The aim is to manage your time not to let it manage you. Be flexible enough to allow for when the unexpected happens (sickness, visitors etc.)

Place of work

Have a set place for work and have everything you need in that place. This saves lots of time in finding what you need. Keep the necessary equipment, dictionaries, books etc at proper places otherwise you waste lot of time in searching for it.

Avoid Overload

Include time for rest, relaxation, sleep, eating, exercise, and socializing in your schedule. It is a good idea to take short breaks during study and work periods. Avoid putting everything off until the last minute. Take breaks. Several short 50 minutes sessions are better that one long session.

Find a study method that works for you

Some students find making notes is the best way to retain information about what they read. Others prefer visual methods such as diagrams, flow charts and mind maps. Experiment and find what works for you.

Do less

Basically, do less is another way of saying do the things that really matter.

Slow down, notice what needs to be done, and concentrate on those things. Do ‘less’ things that create ‘more’ value, rather than more things that are mostly empty.

Think ahead

Rushing to meet a deadline leads to stress, and your health and other commitments can suffer as a result. Start the work as early as possible. By planning ahead you can even have some time to spare.

Have a Vision

It is important to be clear about why you are doing a particular thing. Set your short term and long-term personal goals. Know what is important to you. Know what do you value most? Always have a positive attitude!

Learn the Value of Silence

Discovering time in your life for silence and non-motion reduces anxiety and shows you that there is no need to constantly rush. It also makes it easier to find your work pleasurable.

Enjoy your work

Learn to enjoy whatever work you have undertaken. This way the stress would be reduced considerably.

Enjoy your studies. Be curious. Be open to opportunity.