This is the oldest natural healing science having originated several thousand years ago in the land of India. It is one of the valuable greatest sciences that india has given to the world. Ayurveda aims at the maintenance of health and the treatments as well. By explaning daily and seasonal regimen for diet and behavior, it emphasizes on the maintenance of health. Ayurveda explains what should be an ideal life span and how to make it happier and healthier. This is an unique feature of Ayurveda.

Origins of Ayurveda

It is said to be Omnipresent and has its roots deep in vedic philosophy. This medical science is said to be part of “Atharvaveda”. It was “recalled” by Lord Bramha and then he spread the knowledge of Ayurveda to the seers for human beings.

Branches of Ayurveda

Ayurveda has eight branches dealing with various aspects of medicines. Ayurveda being a very science these branches help to learn & understand Ayurveda deeply.

The branches are as follows:

  1. Kayachikitsa (Internal Medicine) “Kaya” means body. The treatment of this is studied under Kayachikitsa. All systematic disease are treated by this branch.
  2. Kumar Bhrutya Tanta (Pediatrics) ‘Kumar’ means child ‘Bhrutya is services and ‘Tantra’ is technique. The science that deals with development of newborn baby the disease of children (upto 12 years) is kumar Bhrutya Tanta. Truly it also included prenatal and antenatal care for females. That way it included Gynecology and Obstretics is this branch.
  3. Graha Chikitsa or Daivavyapashrya (Cosmic theraphy) ‘Graha is planet. This branch is related with astrology and gem stones. The treatment by precious stones like diamond, ruby, pearl is studied under Grahachikitsa.
  4. Shalakya Tantra (E.N.T. and Ophthalmology) The study of body part above clavicle bone is done under Shalakya Tantra, Surgical view of E.N.T and Ophthalmology are also included under this branch.
  5. Shalya Tantra (Surgery) Various operative procedure along with pre-operative and post operative are studied in details. Also study of scar and instruments etc., are incorporated under shalya Tantra.
  6. Visha Tantra (Toxicology) are preventive medicines “Visha” is poison. Study of various toxic herbs and animals like snakes, insects, etc., and their antiodotes come under Visha Tantra.
  7. Rasayana (Geriatrics) and Rejuvenation Therapy) As Ayurveda also aims in the maintenance of health, how one should make his life healthy, happy, live longer life, this branch explains that. This is the unique prime branch of medicine in the world today.
  8. Vajikaranam (Aphrodisiac Treatment) Vajikaranam is a treatment given for the production of progeny with better healthy and mental capacities by increasing reproductive potential.

Each branch has a wealth of knowledge. We also have lot of referfences of surgeries, which are now considered as part of plastic surgery and other speicilized surgical methods and techniques. Charaksamhita, Shushrut Samhita, Ashtanga Rhydayam Ashtanga Sangraha, madhavindan, Saharagadhar Samhita. Bhavaprakash and Nighanutu are few of the ancient texts. These manuscripts are the bible of Ayurveda.

Researches say that honey is valuable food and it is better than milk. Honey has germicidal property, which kills different types of germs. In day-to-day practise we use honey as Anupan with many medicines. Honey is used as dietary staple since antiquity. Honey is descibed with its details therapeutic effects in Dravdrayavijyanjya Adyaya of all Brihat-trayil (Ayurvedic texts).

Importance of Honey in Ayurvedic Views:

Madhu (honey) is good for the eyes, breaks up solidified materials inside the body, relieves, mitigates Kapha, poison,hiccup, bleeding diseases, leprosy (and other clean skin diseases), diabetes, cleanes the ulcers, unifies fractures, heals wounds and causes increases of Vata.

Sugar of honey is dry, astringent sweet in taste and possesses properties similar to honey. Honey is heat producing used hot by persons who are suffering from incresed heat.

Use of honey, which is heat producing, is not contra indicated in therapies like prachardana (emesis) and niruha (decoction enema) as it comes out of the body quickly without undergoing digestion.

Because of properties like difficult digestability, dryness, astringency and noncoolant (in other words-heat producing) honey is good only in little quantities, there is nothing more difficult than the digestion caused by honey (by using too much honey), it kills the person quickly just like poision, because the treatment for this condition is contrary to the lines of therapy. Honey being a combination of many materials is the best yogavahi (ambivalent), so used along with aphrodisiac drugs it helps the increase of sexual vigour.

Bhramara, Pauspika, Ksaudra and Makshika varieties of honey are good in order of succession, old honey  is still good, the last two varities of honey should be made use of as far as possible.

Clinical Application of Honey:

  1. In diseaseof lip caused by Kalpha, Trikatu sarjikshar, yavakshar mixed with honey should be applied locally. In disease of lip caused by meda, priyangu, triphala, Lodhra mixed with honey should be applied locality.
  2. In acute Gum-boil (Dhantapupputaka) five salts & yavakshar mixed with honey should be applied locally.
  3. In toothaches (Dhantashool) honey mixed with pipali powder & ghee is kept in mouth.
  4. In Dantavestake paste of lodhra, pattanga, madhuka & laksha mixed with honey should be applied to the wound.
  5. In Saushir paste of lodhra, musta & rasajana mixed with honey should be applied.
  6. In upakush (gingivitis) paste of trikatu & five salts mixed with honey should be applied.